Here is São Domingos towards the end of the dry season. This is where all the training went down. We all lived in separate houses around town. Note the funky brown color. That is the color of Cape Verde 9 months out of the year. It is also why I thought the Portuguese were lying through their teeth when they named this place.

But no, they weren't. They just arrived in the rainy season. This is a picture taken not far from the other, but at a different angle. My home stay house is just above that square walled-in area (a cemetary). The entire island changes to this amazing electric green color. The brown patches in the hills are just cultivated areas with crops.

And this is our first weekend of training. This is at Bar Estudante, where we stopped going after two weeks because they stupidly decided to start overcharging us for beer. Everyone else was paying 100 escudos, and they asked us to pay 120. So we started going to other places. Two people of particular note here. My girlfriend, Natawnee, is the very tan girl right above my head. And the other dark girl to the right of me is Nadia, my current roommate on Boa Vista.

Here is Praia, the capital of Cape Verde. It's a big city by standards here, but is only a bit over 100,000 people. There are no tall buildings as you can see. Not much else to say about Praia... We only spent a little time there, but this is where the Embassy and Peace Corps offices are.

Somewhat out of order, but here is a view of Dakar, Senegal from the balcony of my hotel room. We only stayed there one night as a layover, but the beach was just really pretty, so here it is. This is the edge of the city, on the north side of the peninsula. Downtown Dakar is much larger and less picturesque.
Ok, gonna post this now and try for some other pictures in a sec.
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